
It's all about me

Oh hey there. You caught me playing with my Alphabet Pal.

Oh, there you are again. Well, I got tired of sitting up so now I'm lying down playing on my activity mat.

I'll bet you didn' t know I could read.

This is another day but it's still all about me. I was supposed to be getting tummy time but I fell asleep.

Oh no, here it comes.....Momma's photo shoot.

Here's my.........foot.

Here's my.........left hand, with my frog wrist rattle.

Here's my.......did you say right hand?

Hear's my....nose? No, no, it's my ear.

Here's my face. If you look really close you can see peach fuss above my lip.

Here's Momma, me, and J.B. We love our pooch.

Momma's boys.

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