
6 weeks old

Oh wow, you caught me by surprise. Hey again, how are you? Me? I'm fine. I'm six weeks old now. Time sure flys when you sleep all of the time like I do. Speaking of sleeping, since I was two weeks old I only get up at night to get my bottle. Daddy was feeding me at night and hanging out for the first two weeks but I wore him out. After that, momma took over at night. Momma doesn't watch NFL reruns on TV or anything so I just take my bottle and go back to sleep. It was more fun with daddy but I enjoy cuddling with momma.

If you eat around the clock like I do you'll get big quick, too. You could set your clock by me.....every 3 hours you'll see me with a bottle. Yum, yum, I love my formula. I've want to grow up to be a big boy so you better keep your eyes on me. I'll be zipping around before you know it.

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