
Vacation - September 19 - 26, 2009

We are about to go on vaction to a place called Cape Cod. This is the airplane we're going to fly in. Momma and Daddy said we all flew last year but I don't remember.

Me and Daddy are taking a nap. It's already been a long day and we still have a long way to go. Momma's tired too but she can't go to sleep because she has to hold me. I love you, Momma.

The line is over there. That's where you have to go to get a car.

What, you didn't know I can drive?

O.K. since I can't drive I'll just take another nap.

Yahoo, Cape Cod here we come!!!

What? I look tired? I am. But not too tired to help bring in luggage. Let's get this stuff inside and get ready for bed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What an original website! I really loved it and learned about NE and some of the history too! I am sure your family appreciated your effort in creating this.

Thank you for letting me see your artwork.

Peter P