
Guess who's in K-2 - August 11, 2009

Here's my friend Blue Bear. Remember, I loved him when I was a baby. I'm a big boy now. Today I'm going to start K-2!!!

Daddy bought me a cool Cars backpack for my first day in the big boy class.

Momma, I can walk down the stairs by myself. I'm a big boy now.

See, I know where to go.

But before I hurry off for my busy day, I want to stop and smell the roses.

I love Momma's flower bed. It's so calming.

Smelling the flowers helps me to have a great beginning to my day.

O.K. time to go now.

Alright, so I can't open the car door by myself, but it won't be long before I can.

Awesome, we get a snack as soon as we get in class! This is my friend Kelsey. She and I have been friends since I was 3 months old.

I think I'm going to like this K-2 class. Love you Momma. You can go to work now. Bye.

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