
Memorial Day Camping Trip - May 29, 2008

Good morning. Yes, I had a great night, thank you. I slept like a champ. I'm really liking this camping thing, it's fun. You should plan to come with us next year.

Who do I love most in the world??? My daddy!!!!

Here's our tent. See, I told you we were camping in a tent. We Hocutt's are tough! We'll O.K. I know you can see my activity mat inside the tent but I do need something to play with when I lay down. And yeah, that's a baby bottle in my mouth but I am still a baby, you know.

Yeah, I'm cool with my sun shades and my swim suit.

Yahoooo, I can really kick this stuff.

This is my 'Cabin Cruiser'. Momma and Daddy think it's cool but I 'm not so sold on it. I know, it looked really fun on the box.

I prefer to chew on these sunglasses rather than wear them.

Please don't laugh at me. I didn't ask to wear a speedo, Momma just put it on me. Yeah, I know, not even babies look good in speedo's. Well, at least my Daddy isn't wearing one.

I'm pooped. What a day. See you bright and early tomorrow morning, the Lord willing. Good night.