
Memorial Day Camping Trip - May 28, 2008

Hey, you are not going to believe this, not even after I tell you. My daddy and momma took me camping.....in a tent......at the beach!!! Yes, they did. I have pictures to prove it. Yeah, they are brave. They tell me all the time they aren't afraid of an eight pound baby! Check this out. We really had a great time. About 20 of our friends were there, too.

This was our first trip down to the beach. Wow, it sure is white. But what is that white stuff?

This is the most food I've even seen. You can even sit in it while you eat. Oh, this isn't food? Sand? What's sand? You mean I can't eat this??

Hello!!!! Somebody forgot to heat my bath water! I've never been in cold water before.... can somebody help me out??? I don't know anything about the lagoon or what it is but I do know I don't like cold water......is anybody listening??