
Georgia Trip - March 13 - 15, 2009

Daddy went on a 100 mile bike ride and Momma, Grandma, and I went to Callaway Gardens.

I really enjoyed exploring.

I wanted to go swimming in the fountain but Momma didn't think it was a good idea.

Look at the flower. F-L-O-W-E-R.

Can we get in the waterfall?

We went walking in the woods like little red riding hood. We can't be going to Grandma's house, she's with us.

Oh, we were going to a church. How pretty.

I like it in here, it's warm.

How cool!!!!

Grandma really liked this tree.

This is a "Bird of Prey". I wonder how he learned to pray?

Grandma looks like a flower ;-).

Wow, this is a crazy flower. Thank goodness Grandma doesn't look like this flower.

What big eyes you have Mr. Butterfly!!!

Too cool. I never knew butterfiles were so pretty.

Check out all the colors!!!

Momma said I'm her little butterfly.

Where's Luke? hahahahaha I have a garbage can on my head!!!!! I'm so funny!!!

Mass destruction, that's me! Follow the mess and you'll find me!!

Now let me see, what was that code?

You want to see what's in my mouth? O.K. but it's not pretty.

Grandma is sharing her pizza with me. Thanks Grandma.

Daddy, I wanted to walk in the water.

How cool. Grandma gave me an Easter basket with candy in it and a quacking duck. Thank you, Grandma.

This is Jessie, she's Grandma's dog.

Look Momma, there's water in here!

Grandma, I'm so glad you went with us this weekend. I love you.


christindeas said...

Oh Luke, I LOVE Callaway Gardens. I was so happy to see that you got to go with Mom, Dad and your sweet Grandma! When I lived in Auburn I would go to the gardens often. It was one of my favorite places! The chapel with the four seasons stain glass was my special favorite. From the butterflies to the flowers it looked like you got to enjoy everything too!

Jamie said...

Luke, you're such a handsome boy! And when is mommy going to bring Krispy Kreme doughnuts to school again? Mrs.Jamie...I mean your friends really enjoyed them! :)