
Happy Holidays - December 2008

Hey everybody. It's the holidays and this is our picture for our Christmas cards. Sorry about not smiling but I'm ready for a nap. Oh yeah, my hair doesn't always stand up like this, the wind is blowing.

This is my friend Dylan Zan with his momma, Mrs. Tammy, and his daddy, Mr. Joe. Dylan is two.

Hey mom, bet you didn't know I could ride a motorcycle, did you?

I'm going to make a right hand turn, here's my signal.

This is my favorite teacher, Mrs. Kathleen. She was my very first teacher when I started coming to school.

Today is Auburn / Alabama day here at school. Can you guess which fan I am?

Time for morning snack.

This is Mrs. Bobbie, she's the preachers wife and this is her puppy dog.

Mrs. Bobbie, can I chew on this snowman?

J.B. wonders.....how can he throw me the ball when I'm OUTSIDE?????

Wow, what pretty lights.

Aunt Kris, Uncle Mike, Bailey, Brandon, and Brianna gave me this for Christmas. I really like the little people.

I think I'll hide the little people in the fake plant so nobody can find them.

Oh wow, a box, my favorite toy!!!!

Yummy beads. What do you mean I can't eat them??? Why not?

I'm not eating the beads anymore, I promise. I'm just looking at the tree......and pulling this rope thing with my right hand.

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