
Greater Gulf States Fair - October 30, 2009

We went to the fair and I got to pose as a policeman. Do you think it looks real?

I got to feed the goats, too.

This is a camel and he likes to eat carrots. He's soft but he smells really bad.

Grandma held me so I could see the pig races. Wow, they can run really fast.

This was my very first fair ride ever. Daddy and I took a ride in the school bus.

Then Momma and I rode in a flying elephant.

Yes, that's a monkey on my back. He's my friend.

Daddy and I floated away in a hot air balloon together. It was fun but I made sure I held on tight so I wouldn't fall out.

Momma and I got on the Merry-Go-Round thinking it would be slow but these were racing horses. We went really, really, fast!!

This wasn't fun at all. It scared me. When Daddy and I got to the bottom I took off running away as fast as I could. I would have gotten away but I ran right into the rear end of a lady and fell down. I wouldn't even look at my Daddy for a long time after this. I didn't like it.

Now this is cool. My first motorcycle ride. And I got to ride by myself, too.

Daddy and I made up so I let him go with me on the truck ride, but I insisted that I drive.

I don't know why they made the pedals so far away. How can I drive if I can't touch the pedals?

So this is where eggs come from? Hey little chicken, can you give me an egg?

I've never heard of goats milk. I thought milk only came from cows. I really like milk, can we take one home?

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