
TRICK-OR-TREAT - October 31, 2008

This is what I've been waiting for......Happy Halloween!!!

Here's my wonderful friend, Ms. JoAnn, with her grandchildren, Tristin (Jason), and Aldin (the good witch).

I love you Ms. JoAnn. Thanks for letting us come over to your party.

This is my friend, Capri, she's a butterfly. Isn't she pretty?

Check this out. A lady just gave us her whole bowl of candy to get what we want. I think I'll have a Reese and a Tootsie Roll.

How cool. Another lady brought me some animal crackers. I think I like this Trick-or-Treating thing.


Wow look, some little people like me. Mr. Mummy can I have your pumpkin?

Capri really has this thing down, she's knocking on doors and everything.

Ms. JoAnn and Mrs. Tracie serve witches brew to all the ghosts and goblins.

I'm a Tigger gone bad!!!!

Tristin and Aldin bob for apples.

Look Aldin, just reach in there with your hand like this.

Here's me and my momma. I love you, momma!!!! ;-)

Happy Halloween!!!! This was really fun, let's do it again next year, Ms. JoAnn.

Hey Capri, did you eat all of your candy? Ms. Carrie, can I have some of Capri's candy?

I am one tired Tigger!! I hope you had as much fun as I did. Happy Halloween.

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