
My first week

My first week was really exciting. I was told about being a football fan. Daddy said I am an Alabama Fan. He dressed me up in an Alabama Football outfit and we all went to watch "the game." I don't think we won but I didn't care, I slept through it anyway.

On Sunday we went to my first worship service and the preacher taught us about forgiveness. We sang songs and prayed, too. Everyone wanted to see me, they acted like they knew I was coming. My mom told me this is my church family. Wow, I sure do have a lot of families.
I slept alot this week. I just seem to be so tired. I've been told I have my nights and days mixed up so mom and dad are taking shifts watching me. It's really cool, someone is always there for me.

I have a really neat room that's all mine. It has a lot of cool stuff in it but for right now I sleep in momma and daddys room in my bassinet. One day I'll be big enough to sleep in my big boy crib. Look, here's pictures of my room.


Welcome to my blog

Hi there,

I'm so glad you've come to visit my blog. I've been wanting to get started but wasn't sure how to do it. However, I think I've figured it out now. I hope you enjoy visiting as I reach milestones in my life. I have 3 months to catch up on so here goes.......

I was born on Wednesday, November 21, 2007 at 9am at Providence Hopital in Mobile Alabama. I weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces and was 21 inches long. I scored a perfect 10 at birth according to my nurse, Amy.
My birthmom, Corrie, and my adoptive mom, Mary Ann, were in the delivery room when I arrived. I wasn't happy though, I was crying. Being born was hard work. My GeGe came in after a few minutes and it seemed like everybody was crying over me.
I was quickly taken to the nursery and laid naked on a warming table. My adoptive mom got to come with me but everybody else was standing outside at the window staring in at me.
I laid there a long time before my nurse, Amy, came and gave me a bath. My adoptive dad, Mark, video taped my bath. I cried. I didn't like my first bath.

Lots of people came to see me. It was unbelievable how many people knew me but I didn't know any of them. People where hugging and kissing me and passing me around. It was a parade and I was the only float. I have a lot of family and friends and every body loves me!

On Friday I got to go home with my adoptive mom and dad. Before we left the hospital I got to meet the attorney, Donna Ames, who set up my adoption. She was really nice. We took pictures with my birthmom, the attorney, my Aunt Christen, and my adoptive parents, too. Everybody hugged and cried before we left.

Me and my birthmom, Corrie.

Aunt Christen and Mrs. Donna Ames.

Mrs. Donna Ames, my adoptive mom, Mary Ann, my adoptive dad, Mark, and me.

Both of my moms, my dad, and me.